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Writer's pictureTony Mireuta

Why Your Ads Aren’t Performing As Good As They Used To

Updated: Sep 27

Billions of people watch the news daily.

And if so many people watch them..

It’s because they’re interesting.

Notice that they’re not called:


Because nobody with a sane mind will ever say:

“Hey, let me see what I already know”.

They’re called NEWS, because ‘NEW’ is exciting! 

And that’s exactly why we as business owners can never rest for even one second.

Why Ad Fatigue Is Our Biggest Enemy:⠀

Social media is awesome in many ways. 

It makes it easy for us to target exactly who we want, it gives us the possibility to go viral, and because of that.. It’s never been easier to get in front of the perfect prospect for our business.

Which is great.


…There are some downsides to this:

First and foremost - the attention span. 

We all know how TikTok f*cked people’s attention spans mercilessly. 

And because of that, most kids are now unable to watch movies, concentrate on homework, or even watch a video that’s longer than 60 seconds.

I wish that didn’t affect us but it really does and it keeps getting worse. 

All of our clients have reduced attention spans.

And yes, ALL OF THEM. 

Not because they want to. Because they NEED to.

How else is their brain going to deal with ads being blasted in front of them 24/7/365? It’s impossible!

So how do we fix this?


How To Keep Your Prospect Intrigued

The solution to TikTok brain and shortened attention span is not to just turn all of your content and information into ant-sized chunks that are shorter than 30 seconds.

The solution is to show your prospect an insane amount of different content.

Don’t give them 1 video. Give them 10.

Don’t give them 1 article. Give them 100.

Don’t give them 1 tweet. Give them 1000.

If a prospect is really interested in your stuff they’ll take their time to go through your content.

But it’s up to you to give them a buffet of options. Not just 1 dish.

So if you’re running 1 ad now.. It’s time to do at least 3. (And yes, they have to be different)

If you have 1 video for them to see in your retargeting campaign? It’s time to do at least 5-10 other ones.

How else will you keep your prospects entertained if not with LOTS of different valuable content?

Talk soon,


P.S. Want to know how I would fix the ad fatigue problem specifically for your business?

Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

No cost, no obligation.

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. 

No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form here.

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