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Writer's pictureTony Mireuta

Why Mass Marketing Is A Scam And What You Should Do Instead

Updated: Sep 27

Quick question: who’s your ideal customer?

A lot of business owners answer that question with a variation of:

‘Anyone who’s alive and can pay me’.

There’s two problems with that:

It doesn’t get specific at all.

It only works if you have a behemoth-sized marketing budget.

If we’re going to try to reach everyone that fits in the characteristics above..

Then a good budget for our marketing campaign would be a couple hundred million dollars.

But what if you’re working with a marketing budget that’s less than the GDP of a small African country?

Well, this is exactly for you.

Why Spamming Ads Is A BAD Idea

We all grew up looking at mass marketing. 

Apple, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s. These companies are so omnipresent that it’s hard to imagine a world without them.

Then we start our business. And we realize that we lack the resources to replicate their marketing.

We just don’t have the budget to blanket the market with our message like they do.

Spamming your slogan or your logo everywhere doesn’t work unless you’re a billion dollar business. 

It’s also not the way that any of these previously mentioned companies started out...

In fact, I’d bet my entire net worth that every big brand you know started by using the same mechanism:

The Secret Mechanism Big Brands Use

They crafted an IGO. An irresistibly good offer. An offer that spoke directly to their target market. 

The people they identified as the perfect customers for their product or service.

Effective marketing resolves on that key concept.

Are you able to get your IGO in front of the right people?

Dynamite & IGO - The Perfect Marketing Combo

I saw a documentary recently about a thing called ‘dynamite fishing’. 

Some people figured out that you can make fishing a whole lot easier with a simple strategy:

Just pluck dynamite into the water.

Dynamite goes off, fish get blasted and you just have to go pick them up. 

No need for fancy fishing rods or expensive bait.

That’s what an IGO will do for your marketing. 

Not only will your ideal clients be magnetically attracted to your message, but if your offer is solid enough you’ll attract the people who were already interested in what you sell. 

So you’ll scoop up ALL the fish.

So how do you put together an IGO? We’ll talk about that in the next post.

Talk soon,


P.S. Want to know how I would implement an IGO specifically in your business?

Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

No cost, no obligation.

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. 

No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form here..

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