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Writer's pictureTony Mireuta

How To Use Retargeting To Get More Clients And Sales

Updated: Sep 27

Ever had the experience where some product just keeps chasing you?

You look up a certain type of lawnmower or power drill and before you know it your Internet feed gets infested for a full week, showing you the same ads everywhere you go.

Is it because the CIA listened to your phone while you were talking about that product?

As much as I’d like to say that… It’s not.

What’s actually happening is you’re being “retargeted”  and it’s a shame that it’s used in such a sloppy way. 

Because not only is there a way to make this work, if you use it right it will give you some of the best return on investment on your marketing dollars.

Let me show you how to use this idea in a way that doesn’t give off a stalkerish or annoying vibe:

This Slightly Fancy Term Will Make You Money

Unless you sell something like a chocolate bar or Coca-Cola bottles, your clients don’t just randomly buy from you.

There’s always a lead up time. 

A period where your prospects compare their options.

A fancy term for this is a ‘customer journey’.

 (I always thought that was a bit pretentious, but let’s just roll with it for now).

Why You Should Care About This ‘Customer Journey’ Stuff

Here’s the rough process for almost every product or service:

Prospect becomes aware of the problem or need.

Prospect decides to do something about it.

Prospect looks up possible options and solutions.

Prospect picks the best option and checks out different suppliers

Prospect buys from a supplier.

Pretty straightforward, right? So why would we even care about this stuff?

Because the sooner you can get in front of a prospect… the higher the chances of converting them into a customer and the less it costs you to make a sale. 

It’s a win-win-win situation.

Think about it.

If you find them at stage 5 it mostly means they’re just price shopping. You’re entering the race late.

Ideally you want to get to them in stage 3. 

They start looking for a solution and BOOM, there you are, standing in front of them.

The good news? If you’re doing marketing right and following the advice in this blog, there’s already a good chance that they’re finding you in stage 3.

The bad news? The average attention span of a prospect is horrendous and the chances of them remembering you later on after they click away are as low as you winning the jackpot.

So let’s fix that:

Solving The Attention Span Problem

If someone is thinking about buying your product or service and you’d be the only supplier that was able to talk to them any time they had any questions about it… 

You’d probably be able to turn them into a customer pretty easily.

Retargeting lets you do almost exactly that. 

Especially if you use it strategically.

Instead of showing people the same picture and the same ad over and over and over again we’re going to do something else:

Instead, we’re going to show them new information and content they haven’t seen before.

Maybe we record three, four, five videos, each highlighting something crucial that your future client needs to know. 

Useful info that actually helps them. Not you insisting on the sale. That’s important.

And then we retarget the people that saw our ads before, showing them new information, helping them out long before money changes hands.

Exploiting The Reciprocity Reflex (in a good way)

If someone helps you out without asking you something in return… What's your first reaction?

For most people two things pop up:

Why is this person helping me? And what is he trying to get?

Makes total sense. But once you see that he’s not about to ask you for something in return, something else kicks in:

This person did me a favor. I now ‘owe him’.

Doesn’t mean he can call you and ask you to bail him out of jail. 

Doesn’t mean you’re gonna need to help him move boxes when he changes homes.

But there is something in your mind that says: ‘this person did something for me. If I get a chance to help, I should return the favor’.

Reciprocity is built into our brains. 

And we can use it (in a good way) when we do our marketing.

The trick is to help people by actually helping them.

Wild. I know.

But it works. And it makes selling soooooo much easier.

Get this right and you won’t have to “convince” anyone to buy. 

By the time they talk to you they already think highly of you! 

Because you were there for them when they needed you most.

We’ll talk about this principle more in the future. It would be a shame not to. 

But for now, try and experiment with retargeting and see how it works out for you. 

Think about how you could implement this in your business.

Talk soon,


P.S. Want to know how I would implement this specifically for your business?

Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

No cost, no obligation.

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. 

No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form here.

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